Irish Lamb Pasties {Riceland Foods}
I have a serious case of spring fever! We've had an unusually warm winter which, for me, is a real plus. As a result, I've been wanting to be outside in the garden already. My seedlings are steadily coming up, and I'm itching to get them in the...
Cajun Andouille and Chicken Fettucini
My latest THV11 This Morning segment featured some of our favorite Creole and Cajun pasta dishes such as this Cajun Andouille and Chicken Fettucini. Probably my favorite of the three dishes shared is the Creole Linguine with Shrimp and...
New Orleans Muffuletta Pasta Salad
Mardi Gras may be over for 2017, but we can still celebrate the food, can't we? I call this New Orleans Muffuletta Pasta Salad since the word "muffuletta" is synonymous with New Orleans as far as I am concerned. What's nice about this salad is...
Creole Linguine with Shrimp and Crawfish
You're gonna' love this Creole Linguine with Shrimp and Crawfish that I brought to THV11 This Morning for our Mardi Gras celebration. It's spicy, but not too much. It's creamy, but not too heavy. It's a one-pot, mouthful of deliciousness. You've...
Lovely Triple Dark Chocolate Scones
As far as I'm concerned, you just can't get enough chocolate. I can't comprehend not liking it. Chocolate may just course through my veins, y'all. So anytime I can ramp it up a bit, you just know I'm gonna' do that. It's a 3 times the chocolate...
Save the Stems! Southern Collard Greens
If you've read my bio you know that I learned to cook from two of the best --- my grandmothers. These ladies were known throughout our home county as two of the best cooks to be founds. Mamaw cooked for a family of 9; Nonnie cooked for a family...
White Chocolate Mousse Cherry Pie
February celebrates National Cherry Month and, of course, L.O.V.E. Combining cherries with a quick and easy white chocolate mousse makes this pie something everyone will love. This was one of the chocolate pie variations I prepared for THV11 on...
S’Mores Pie Please
You all know that chocolate is practically synonymous with Valentines, right? I might have exploited that just a tad with my recent THV11 This Morning segment. The WHOLE segment was variations on chocolate pie. When I told Hubby what I was...