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This idea has been around for ages, but it’s such a good one especially during Holy Week that I wanted to share it with you in case you had not ever heard of it. Resurrection or Easter Rolls are a fantastic way to share the story of Christ’s crucifixion and resurrection with your kiddos. I hope you’ll find the time to do that this week, perhaps on Good Friday? Or maybe for your Easter dinner?

Be sure you’re letting the kids in on the making of these as you’re sharing the story and verses, if age appropriate

The Easter Story: (adapted from Lifeway)

  • Preheat oven to 350 degrees. Read John 19 while the oven is pre-heating according to the package directions. If you’re really on top of things, spend the week before reading John 12-18 with your kids.
  • Jesus,God’s perfect son, came  to earth to pay the price for our sin.
  • The white of this marshmallow represents the purity and sinless nature of Christ.

  • After Jesus died upon the crucifixion cross his body was prepared for burial with herbs, oils and spices.  (Dip the marshmallow in butter, then in sugar and cinnamon.)
  • Jesus was wrapped  in a linen shroud and laid upon a stone in the tomb. A huge stone was rolled in front. (Wrap the marshmallow in one triangle of dough covering it completely like a ball (stone).

  • Complete the process for all 16 triangles and marshmallows.
  • Place in the oven for 10-12 minutes.(This represents the tomb.  While the rolls are baking, read John 20:1-18)
  • Allow rolls to cool.
  • (Say, “After 3 days, his friends went to visit the tomb where they found the rock rolled away. Two angels said, “Why are you looking for the living among the dead?”

  • (Reveal that when you cut open a roll or take a bite that the marshmallow has disappeared, leaving an empty “tomb.” Jesus has been resurrected.) Read Matthew 28:1-10

  • Remind children that the rolls are sweet just like the love God has for us.
  • Follow-up by reading the Easter story together from the Bible so that children know that it is true and that Jesus died for them and wants to be their savior.
  •  Read 1 Thessalonians 4:16-18. Jesus is coming again!
  • Pray with children, thanking God for the gift of Jesus.


  • Large Marshmallows – body of Jesus
  • Melted Butter – oils of embalming
  • Cinnamon & Sugar Mix- spices used to annoint the body.
  • Crescent Roll – the wrapping of Jesus’ body or the tomb.
  • Oven – the tomb
  • Cavity in bun – the empty tomb or the empty cloths