Kale and Roasted Potatoes Dinner Salad

Kale and Roasted Potatoes Dinner Salad

  I have a confession or two to make.  Kale is my friend and while it may not be trendy to have this leafy winter green as my BFF, I will remain loyal as any good buddy aught.  Winter, summer, spring or fall, kale can have a seat at my table...
Crackling Hog Jowl Bacon Sour Cream Cornbread

Crackling Hog Jowl Bacon Sour Cream Cornbread

  Whew!  With a name like Crackling Hog Jowl Bacon Sour Cream Cornbread, it had better be good, right?  Well, it is!  And it pairs perfectly with that Black-Eyed Peas and Turnip Greens Soup I posted so you could get your New Year 2014 started off...