Cherry Almond Scones
It's no secret that I love scones, and these Cherry Almond Scones are no exception. I made a couple of batches recently in preparation for my THV11 This Morning appearance this month for National Cherry Month and managed to only eat part...
What’s Coming Up on THV11 {Feb. 24, 2015} and Cherry Salsa
February is National Cherry Month, but I'm not sure the gurus who assign those titles got this one right. Fresh cherry season has been gone for several weeks in my neck of the woods, and the produce managers at my markets just shake their...
Winter Citrus Salad
I don't know about you, but the long, gray days of winter can really get me down if I let them. I'm not a fan of the cold either, but I can handle it much better if the sun is shining. My grandmother always said that my name should...
Chicken, Barley and Vegetable Soup
Just like so many, Hubby and I picked up a few pounds this fall and through the holiday season even though I try really hard to make cooking healthy a ritual in our home. But, every once in awhile, you just have to splurge. The...
Pesto and Sun-Dried Tomato Cheese Terrine
Are you needing some inspiration for your parties? Then this Pesto and Sun-Dried Tomato Cheese Terrine may just be your answer. It is one of the appetizers featured on the Make Ahead Appetizers segment I did on THV11 This...
Simple Chocolate Truffles
One of the real keys to making these Simple Chocolate Truffles is using quality chocolate. While you will find lots of recipes using chocolate chips to make truffles, I do not recommend that. The finished product is likely to be...
What’s Coming Up on THV 11? {Feb. 10. 2015}
Just in case you're sitting on pins and needles wondering what's coming up for my February 10 appearance on THV 11 This Morning, I'll let you in on a little secret. Can you say chocolate? How about truffles? And they couldn't...
Cauliflower Caviar in Endive
Did you ever think you would see the words "cauliflower" and "caviar" in the same sentence much less the same recipe? Me neither. But there's always a first time, ya' know. [Tweet "Cauliflower Caviar in Belgian Endive-a healthy...