Slow Cooker Beef and Gravy over Rice for Taste Arkansas
Sometimes you just want comfort. As in tummy-filling, warm comfort food. The kind of food that calls to mind your grandmother's Sunday pot roast or chicken and dumplings. That's what this Slow Cooker Beef and Gravy over Arkansas Rice does for...
Apple Cider Bundt Cake with Caramel Cider Glaze and Wanderlust
We were out on one of our little impromptu adventure afternoons just taking in the cloudless sapphire sky and the still green pastures rimmed with just-getting-their-color red maples. With the top down, the crisp air of October autumn blew...
Cherry Almond Vanilla Steel Cut Overnight Oats
Hubby and I aren't big breakfast eaters --- at least not during typical breakfast hours. I'm more of a brunch person actually. Or brinner. Both of those suit me just fine. However, I will chow down on a bowl of these Cherry Almond Vanilla Steel...
Crispy Fried Chicken Tenderloins. No necks
I rarely fry anything. Well, there's okra. I do fry that. Often. In the summer. And I've been known to fry up a mess of crappie freshly caught from the lake. Oh my goodness. Talk about good. But I've never fried an Oreo. Or a Twinkie. Or even a...
Are You Ready For Some Pumpkin?
It's that time again...and I'm not talking about football, y'all. The days are getting shorter and cooler. Leaves are changing to their early golds and reds. An early morning mist rises over the lake and the pond. I just love it. So are you like...
Perfect Brown Rice Every Time {Kitchen Basics}
On this Tuesday's Dining With Debbie THV11 This Morning we'll be talking about varieties of rice, including brown rice, in our "Rice is Nice " segment featuring a couple of giveaway packages from Arkansas-owned Riceland Rice. Each package...
Spicy Tortellini Mushroom and Italian Sausage Soup
Soups of all kinds are mainstays in our home. I am so fortunate that Hubby is a fan as was Perfect Daughter when she was still at home. Perfect Boy won't venture much beyond Chicken Noodle yet, but Perfect Girl will try just about anything....
Pumpkin Spice Streusel Muffins
Well it is fall, y'all. And all thoughts turn to pumpkin, right? I'm no stranger to the love of all things pumpkin spice and while I am definitely a summer-loving person, I really can't help but get excited with the sights, sounds and smells...