How to Fry Okra

How to Fry Okra

This may be one of those recipes that you want to bookmark for next summer.  I’m fairly certain that we have seen the last of the fresh okra crop from our garden for this year.  There will be a straggler or two, but not enough to fry up a mess as we say in...

Southern Collard Greens

My teacher friend, Becky, of The Biggest Loser fame is back in California preparing to run/walk a marathon.  That’s 26.2 miles folks!  We had the best time with her last week hearing of her adventures and hanging around while the film crew was following her around. ...

COLCANNON and Colcannon Croquettes

  This is a basic recipe for Colcannon that I like and have used with my students for our Irish feast.  At home, I use sautéed kale in place of the cabbage.  I have even used leftover roasted Brussel sprouts.  Both add a greater depth of flavor, I...