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I have a TON of food magazines, y’all. Those are in addition to the bajillion cookbooks I own. (Bajillion is a word?) I read both fervently with every intention of making EV. ER,Y,THING in them. 

You do the same thing, right?

 I was one of the early subscribers to Bon Appétit, and I kept every single issue through 3 moves and 30 years  when Hubby and my senses got ahold of me. But y’all, it pained me to get rid of them. I mean. It was super painful. 

I vowed to do better. Maybe I have. Maybe I haven’t.  Is there an intervention program for magazine hoarders? Just food magazine hoarders?

They are organized. I reorganized them multiple times. First my title which worked well for awhile, but then I decided seasons might work best. And, for the most part, that’s the way they remain.

I’ll pull a seasonal stack out and go through them one by one, my mind racing with new and remembered ideas. But then….time passes and a new season comes tripping my way.

So…I’ve come to realize that I’m never going to cook ALL the recipes in ALL of those magazines, but I can do SOME of them. And make it fun.

Hence, the birth of COOK THE COVER.

My plan is to periodically select a magazine and cook the featured recipe from the cover page. I just thought that might be fun for both of us. I don’t have any particular theme in mind other than a random pick so if you have one you’d like for me to try, let me know. Chances are I have a copy of that magazine!

We begin with this one since it was oh so scientifically chosen. I simply closed my eyes and picked one from a stack on the kitchen floor,

Burritos? Really? I could make burritos blindfolded, but I was determined to follow through with it. Generally, I follow a recipe strictly as presented the first time I prepare it, but this one…well, it begged for a few changes to suit our tastes. The only thing I didn’t do that I would have done otherwise, would be to add more heat. You know i love that kick!

I just didn’t have any jalapeños in the frig, and I was just too dang lazy to trek to the grocery for some. So I switched out the cayenne for some smoked chipotle pepper. Not much heat but definitely more flavor. And I used Mexican Crema instead of regular sour cream. It seems to have more tang to me. I also cut the amount of corn and added in drained and rinsed black beans — about 1/3 cup.

So how did we vote? 

Definitely 2 thumbs up. (Surprised me, y’all.) I served it alongside a simple salad of romaine, tomato an avocado with a lime vinaigrette. It was all quite filling.

One other note. I cut the recipe in half and still had 3 burritos. One burrito was a very adequate serving for us.