Summer Panzanella Salad (Tuscan Bread Salad)
This salad and BLTs are the main reason I'm always sad to see the summer end. There are probably a million posts featuring a million or more versions of panzanella salad, but mine is the best. Of course. But you already...
Strawberry Spinach and Arugula Salad with Strawberry Vinaigrette
I’m glad that our markets can offer such a wide variety of fresh fruits throughout the year, but I am always so excited when the local fruit starts to appear. I’m sure you will agree, that a freshly picked strawberry from a...
Quinoa Tabbouleh
Quinoa (pronounced keen wah) seems to have become the “hot” new grain over the past two or three years. It has actually been cultivated in the Andes areas for thousands of years. The Incas considered it to be sacred. With the Spanish...
Roasted Pear Autumnal Salad with Maple Vinaigrette
I am a pear lover. Always have been apparently. My grandmother always said that I cut my teeth by gnawing on a hard fall pear. I guess that’s why I really enjoy this salad and its variations so much. Generally,...
Fried Green Tomato Salad with Homemade Chipotle Ranch Dressing
Just a reminder before we start with the deliciousness of this dish. You still have time to enter the Kickin’ It Boot Giveaway being hosted here through the generosity of Country Outfitter in providing a $150 gift card toward the purchase...
Homemade Balsamic Vinaigrette
Although we often tend to shy away from them, homemade salad dressings are really easy to make. And I think they are usually tons better than store-bought ones even though those are convenient and come in handy when time is a factor. My blogger...
Watermelon, Tomato and Feta Salad
We love this salad with its unusual ingredient mix of watermelon, tomato, feta and herbs. Any time I serve it to guests, it is always a big hit as well. However, the real key to it is the watermelon. The best ones are...
Tabbouleh Salad with Smoked Salmon
Hubby’s in LUV with his new smoker, so I am taking advantage of his willingness to smoke whatever hits my fancy. I had some smoked salmon in the freezer that he had prepared a week ago. Knowing that I wanted to use it before the flavor...