Arkansas Stories
ONLY IN ARKANSAS – Hog Wild (Corn Dip, Lisa’s Salsa, Tomato Salsa)
Woo Pig Sooie Courtesy of Wedding and Party Network We love our Razorbacks in Arkansas! Arkansas is home to several fine universities. However, there is probably only one that receives the support...
BEACH BIRTHDAY BOY and Fresh Strawberry Pie
Hubby celebrated his birthday at the beach this year. It was a special event “catered” by the Perfect Boy and Perfect Girl who also decorated for the event. It was a big secret, so we had to “sh sh” for several days before the...
A Garden for the Whole World and Chicken Curry Pitas
Garvan Woodland Gardens are botanical gardens owned by the University of Arkansas Department of Landscape Architecture and, fortunately, are located near our home. It is a remarkable place with an even more remarkable history. Verna Cook Garvan...
John Reed’s Mystery Rolls
We have lived in this town for thirty-five years. When we first moved here we happened to meet a really nice older couple, John and Boyce Reed. Over the years our lives were woven together in a multitude of ways. Their daughter, Pauline, became...