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When it comes to summer in Arkansas, you can bet it’s gonna’ be hot, hot, hot! And that’s exactly what we’re experiencing right now. We have both the heat and the humidity without benefit of the beach!

For the most part, weather in Arkansas is pleasant. Nothing beats our Fall and Spring weather; that’s for sure. Our winters are relatively mild with only an occasional snow and ice storm to deal with.

So, I suppose I shouldn’t complain, huh?

Even though summer looks quite a bit different this year without all of the community and neighborhood gatherings, it does bring some of the most delicious produce. Right now, corn and peaches are in full season as are blackberries, with blueberries winding down. Gardens are lush with tomatoes, squash and peppers. With our long growing season, we can sometimes get in 2-3 plantings before our first expected frost in late October.

I absolutely love going to the garden each day and deciding what’s going to be on the menu. This salad only uses tomatoes from our garden, but it does use fresh Arkansas corn and peaches–some of the best to be found anywhere.

If you’ve never tried burrata cheese, let me encourage you to do that. It’s a kind of mozzarella but with a very creamy and yummy middle. If you don’t want to spring for it cause it can be quite expensive, use fresh mozzarella instead. 

This salad can be a light lunch or dinner or you can choose to pair it with a meat or fish protein. It’s absolutely delicious and a treat to eat.  Did you catch my short video on THV11’s The Vine this week that featured this Grilled Corn, Peach and Burrata Salad. I really need a videographer!

I hope your summer is going well and that you healthy and are trying to stay as positive as possible during this pandemic. I’m praying God answers our prayers for a quick vaccine development and an end to Covid 19. Will you join me in that?