
Breakfast and Brunch

Tropical Granola

We are not large breakfast eaters at our house and much prefer something simple such as steel-cut oats or Greek yogurt topped with granola. This Tropical Granola is a particular favorite with its bright and citrusy combination of flavors. Since...


Sweet Dark Cherry Bundt Cake

I've come to the conclusion that I'm a Bundt cake kind of gal.  In fact, I can't recall the last time I made a full-blown layer cake. Is that terrible of me? I sure hope not because I don't really plan on changing my ways at this...


Corny Risotto Stuffed Poblanos

Risotto is such a nice change of pace from pasta or potatoes, but it can be daunting and time consuming to make. When I stumbled across an idea for making risotto in the slow cooker, I just knew I would have to give that a go. Being the slow...

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