Disclosure: This dish was prepared for Riceland Foods for a sponsored post on their blog.

Ever have one of those days when you need dinner to come together easily and quickly? But it needs to be one everyone in the family will most likely enjoy? Well, I have a great idea for you—Loaded Taco Bowls.

Loaded Taco Bowls for Riceland via diningwithdebbie.net

What’s not to love, y’all.

Using Riceland’s Boil-n-Bag Brown Rice makes it a snap to prepare. The rice is cooked and ready in 10 minutes—and it’s brown! If you follow me much, you know I’m a huge proponent of using brown rice whenever you can. My oven method of cooking it, makes it easier to prepare, but it still takes at least an hour.

Boil-n-Bag is available online at the Riceland Store or you can order it online from Amazon now. It is not available in stores at this time.

Using a  rotisserie chicken just adds to the ease of preparation. The other ingredients can easily be prepared ahead of time. Everyone can choose to top the taco bowl with whatever floats their boat:) 

Can’t beat that, can ya’?

For the recipe head on over to Riceland.com where you’ll find even more deliciousness going on.