It’s that time again. It’s time to vote for the best. No, I don’t mean in your local or state elections — but I really hope you have or will do that. No, it’s time for the Arkansas Times “Best of Arkansas” vote, and I seriously hope you will take a moment from your day to go do that.
While you’re there, could you take an extra minute or two to locate the Best Blog category? Keep moving on through the pages. I promise it will eventually show up. Your vote for or would be lovingly appreciated.
I promise. (Don’t all politicians do that?) There will NOT be any campaign materials sent to you through the mail. Nor will you receive yet another robocall. Actually, I won’t even friendly call you. Sorry. You don’t have the time for that, and I probably don’t either. Retirement does have a way of keeping me busy.
Anyway, it’s probably raining again today so you can’t get outside to lounge around the pool or plant zinnias or marigolds in the garden. While away your time by filling in at least 10 of the voting categories on the “Best of Arkansas” form (online or in print)…it will at least be an interesting read.
Thanks a bunch.