Today is #GivingTuesday. Surely, you’ve heard or read about that by now so I won’t go into those details except to say that it’s not always about dollars and cents. Sometimes it’s about time. Or skills. Or maybe it’s just listening. Really listening.
Arkansas Women Bloggers have been asked to share their thoughts on #GivingTuesday — what cause or causes are on their hearts either in their communities, their churches, nationally or even internationally. And that’s where I started with this post.
Except it’s not going the way I planned. I thought I would tell you about CJOHN (Churches Joint Council on Human Needs) and the remarkable works they do in my county. Then I thought, well what about Habitat for Humanity of Saline County where volunteers are building an entire village of Habitat homes in my town. But wait. What about Heifer Project, so near and dear to my heart. I could tell you how to buy a chicken or two. Or maybe even a water buffalo that would eventually save hundreds of lives.
And what about the No Kid Hungry Bake Sale which we as food bloggers support through Share Our Strength. Surely that’s a worthy cause that needs your help.
Or the Christian Community Care Clinic where free dental and health care are available to those in need. Or the Care Center which feeds and cares for hundreds monthly. All year long.
Perhaps you could pack a Christmas box or two or ten with school supplies and a toy or two for Samaritan’s Purse Operation Christmas Child. Then there’s the Stuff the Sleigh challenge by KTHV Channel 11 that focuses on providing Christmas for foster kids in Arkansas.
I could also tell you about, which is what I originally intended this post to be and about which I will definitely share at a later date, Benton Middle School Elf Club. Did you hear that these 6th and 7th graders raised over $30,000 (those zeroes are correct) last year to purchase Christmas gifts for kids in our area. On their own. With lots of commitment to “just do it.”
But I wonder. Will you buy a hot dog? A hot dog that you will never eat? Just one hot dog.
Maybe you can’t buy a whole one. Could you buy a share? Even a bite or two?
Many of you are familiar with my friend Hot Dog Mike (Michael Juliano) of hot dog cart fame – and who’s been an unselfish contributor to several local causes. He’s come up with a plan to help feed kids in Arkansas through through the Arkansas Food Bank. So what’s he gonna’ do?
Do what he does best. Sell hot dogs, of course. But not just any hot dogs. These are $2400 hot dogs. And why? Because that amount can feed 30+ kids a day, three meals a day, for a year.
And we can help. You and I. We can help. We can give our dollars and cents where we may not be able to cook up a hot dog; yes, we can.
Will you help buy just one? I hope we can buy a whole package! Whatever funds are donated, Hot Dog Mike will turn over to the Arkansas Food Bank which desperately needs our help to keep doing what it’s been doing now for so many years — feeding our kids. Making sure that there are backpacks of food to last the weekend so kids won’t go days without eating.
To donate through Pay Pal, email Hot Dog Mike at Note that this will not be a tax deductible donation. Or, if you prefer, donate directly to the Arkansas Food Bank (tax deductible). You might mention that you’re buying a share of a hot dog when you do.
Heck. Go buy a whole one if you are feeling really hot dog hungry. But do it now.
Thanks and Blessings
Hi Debbie and gang. Thanks so much for considering my offering to hungry kids of arkansas. How ever people decide to give to who ever they decide to give to, tis the season! Happy Holidays everybody and thank again.
Hope you get tons of $$$$$