Here it is just in time for Halloween — your Skeleton Vegetable Board! He was my “date” for my most recent segment on THV11 This Morning.
This is not an original idea from me. I have Kroger to thank for it, but I just thought it was such a quick and easy idea that it needed to be shared, Plus, it’s a super “kids in the kitchen” idea,
If you’re a regular viewer of my segments on THV11, then you’ve “met” Rob. He’s a hoot and always lends an “interesting” bent to our conversations on air. Ya’ just never know what’s gonna’ come outta’ that mouth! I like to tease him about his diet…so when it’s something healthy like this Skeleton Vegetable Board, it is somewhat ironic that he’s my partner in the preparation.
I’m on a mission, y’all.

Rob “cooks.”
All of the “parts” of the skeleton can easily be prepped a day ahead if need be. It takes less than 15 minutes to put him together and, like I said, it’s a great way to get your kiddos involved in the party preparations. In doing so, they’ll be much more likely to have fun AND eat a little more healthy. (our little secret)
You can certainly make your own dip for this if you prefer. Or, you can do as I did for the show and just purchase a container of a favorite variety. Honestly, it is probably less expensive to do that anyway.
Whatever it left over, I use in salads, soups, fajitas, frittatas…any way I can!
It’s so easy, y’all! Even Rob can do it!
Want to see how he did it? Link to show video
What are some of your favorite ways to celebrate Halloween? I remember my mom spent hours making popcorn balls. And hours.
And they were really good — at least, that’s what I remember. Me? I’ve not ever made popcorn balls that I know of. Remember the days when mons could do that sort of thing. Sending homemade treats to school is a thing of the past. There’s a part of me that thinks that’s very unfortunate.
But, if you recall, I taught school over 30 years. I’ve seen some real dandies in the food department. Both good and well, ya’ know. But the effort and the willingness to contribute were there. Those moms — and dads — were there for their kiddos.
I love that.