My THV11 segment last week focused on Healthy Lunchbox and After-School Snacks. Thanks to so many of you for your ideas and suggestions for those.

I’m a firm believer that fruits, vegetables and healthy proteins need to be at the forefront of snacks that are available for kids. And adults for that matter.During my over 30 years of teaching, I saw so many, many students arrive for school with extra large cups of sugar-laden coffee and soda drinks and sacks of doughnuts or other equally sugar and fat heavy foods. Their energy levels were probably good for about 45 – 60 minutes before they hit rock bottom.

It doesn’t have to be that way. 

Yes. I know we are all busy. Yes, I know parents are short on time, energy and sleep! But, I believe that if you start your children off as toddlers making healthy choices, they will continue to make those choice throughout their lives.

And yes, I think it’s okay to eat a piece of chocolate occasionally.  LIke I said, everything in moderation is a good thing.

Protein is essential for keeping tummies feeling full. Cheese. Lean meats. Yogurt. Nuts. Peanut butter. Make those attractive choices for your kiddos. Let them be involved in the planning and preparation and they will be far more likely to eat those lunches and snacks.

Edamame hummus is one of Perfect Girl’s favorite snacks. Her mom limits sweets to one treat a day. Sometimes that’s a tough choice for Perfect Girl, but she has learned that’s the way it is.  Given the choice of french fries or fruit, she’ll consider the fries but ask for the fruit. She’s learned to make the healthier choice thanks to her mom.

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