As part of my commitment to have cultivate as my One Little Word 2013, I knew that part of that would involve the cultivation of my photography skills not only for this blog but in an effort just to keep learning and creating.  Hubby supported that desire by gifting me with a short course in digital photography for my birthday.  Last week was my first week
And we had homework!
Our first assignment was to submit an interesting photograph (s) of a vehicle or building.  We were to experiment with a variety of compositions and angles as well as variations of white balance and apertures.  Oh, and absolutely no flash or automatic settings. Whew! 
I had never been bold enough to change the  white balance or even remove my lens for that matter so this was a big deal for me.  But I am learning.  I am cultivating my photography skills one baby step at a time.
I have no delusions about becoming a world-class photographer.  I just want to take pictures that I enjoy and that say something to me.  And  that dang camera manual?  I want to be able to read that thing and have a clue as to what it is saying.  Know what I mean?
So here are the photos I submitted for this week’s assignment:




Like I said, I am in the process of CULTIVATING, my skillsSmile.

Linked to: Mop It Up Monday