I was out and about in the neighborhood recently taking advantage of the perfectly gorgeous day that it was to work on my photography skills.  (Yeah.  I was avoiding the laundry as well.  Any excuse, huh?) 

While I was  on my quest for an autumnal masterpiece, I came upon some unexpected springtime surprises. 

Mother Nature’s getting on in years and is obviously a tad bit confused.  Ya’ll be kind to your elders.

flowering cherry 2

Flowering Cherry in bud

Flowering Cherry in bloom

Think:  Washington, D.C. Cherry Blossom Festival in late March, early April

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Hino Crimson azaleas in full bloom

Think: Augusta National (Master’s Golf Tournament) in April

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Poor things.  They are so confused.  But they are pretty anyway, aren’t they?

I should have taken a picture of the daffodils that are started to sprout, but I spent too much time getting them deeper in dirt and mulch to uncover them for their fall debut.  It’ll probably wait until they are in full bloom next spring before it snows. 

That’s Arkansas.