crockpot wednesdays


It’s time for a new round of delicious Crock Pot Wednesday recipes.  I am so appreciative of the response to this blog event.  Many, many thanks to all of you who have chosen to participate and to those of you who have taken a moment to read and comment.  I would love for you to make this a regular part of your week.  The invitation is always open.  Sign up with Mister Linky below.



fall golf with connor


I love the comfort, colors and smells of autumn; don’t you?  It must be my nesting season because I really enjoy pulling the family all back together after the busy days of summer and settling down to a warm, inviting meal. Next to summer, it is my absolute favorite season.  (Winter could give up a month or two to either one of those seasons as far as I am concerned!)

 32583666Apples and pears are in season right now, and while they are available year round, I think they are best when just picked.  I plan to go apple pickin’ with the Perfect Ones in a couple of weeks when the Ozark Mountains will be in their peak of color.  I wish all of you could join me.  It just doesn’t get any better.

I use my crock pot to keep hot teas and ciders available for sipping when we are all gathered together.  It’s just so easy to mix them up and allow them to steep during the day or evening.  Everyone just helps themselves to big mugs while we are either cooking, playing games, plotting out puzzles, or just sitting around visiting.  

Here are a couple of autumn sippers that I hope you will enjoy:

Hot Mulled Apple Tea
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  1. 1/2 gallon apple cider
  2. 1/2 gallon strong tea
  3. 1 lemon, thinly sliced
  4. 1 orange, thinly sliced
  5. 3 3-inch cinnamon sticks
  6. 1 tablespoon whole cloves
  7. 1 tablespoon allspice
  8. brown sugar to taste
  1. Combine all in slow cooker and heat on LOW for 2 hours.
Adapted from Fix-It and Forget It
Adapted from Fix-It and Forget It
Dining With Debbie
Hot Cider Punch
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  1. 1 64-ounce bottle apple cider
  2. 2 cups orange juice
  3. 3/4 cup fresh lemon juice
  4. 1/4 cup honey
  5. 10 whole allspice
  6. 5 whole cloves
  7. 1 2 1/2” cinnamon stick
  8. 1 lemon, thinly sliced
  1. Tie the spices up in a piece of cheesecloth or a paper coffee filter. (You can just add them directly and then strain, but I find that a pain!) Place all of the other ingredients except for the sliced lemon in the slow cooker and heat on LOW for 2 hours. Add the sliced lemon and heat on LOW for 1 hour. Remove the spice bag before serving.
Adapted from Southern Living 2003 Annual Recipes
Adapted from Southern Living 2003 Annual Recipes
Dining With Debbie
Hot Cinnamon Cider
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  1. 1 gallon apple cider
  2. 1 package cinnamon red hots
  1. I really don’t have a recipe for this, but it is definitely a family favorite. Simply take a jug of apple cider (I usually make up a gallon at a time.) and drop in enough cinnamon red hots to suit your taste. While I make this up in the crock pot for group gatherings, I also keep it on hand in the frig and just heat up a cupful in the microwave as we want one.
Dining With Debbie
Next week I’m going to be featuring some seasonal pumpkin slow cooker favorites.  I’d love for you to share yours as well.

I can’t wait to see what you have to say.



Country Lady recently presented me with the Honest Scrap Award.  I really appreciate her thoughtfulness in doing so.  While it’s nice to receive accolades, it’s even better to make new friends.  Keeping that in mind, I will be passing on this award to others as well.





Here are the rules:
1) Present this award to 7 others whose blogs I find brilliant in content and/or design, or those who have encouraged me.
2) Tell those 7 people they’ve been awarded HONEST SCRAP and inform them of these guidelines in receiving.
Here are the 10 things about me:
3) Share “10 Honest Things” about myself.
4) Present this award to 7 others whose blogs I find brilliant in content and/or design, or those who have encouraged me.
5 )Tell those 7 people they’ve been awarded HONEST SCRAP and inform them of these guidelines in receiving.

Here are the 10 things about me, honestly!
1.  I love to blog, but you already knew that:)
2.  I love to cook, but you already knew that as well.
3.  I have taught for 28 years (almost) most of which have been in the 7th grade.  But, I think my true profession should be “Beach Bum.”
4.  I was the first person in my family to graduate from college.  Woo Pig Sooiee!  I’ve been trying to decide what I wanted to be when I grow up ever since then.
5.   Hubby and I will celebrate our 40th wedding anniversary in January.  I would marry him all over again:)
6.  I once helped my grandfather roof a house! He was really brave to turn me loose with a hammer.  
7.  God has blessed me beyond anything that I deserve.
8.  I fell off of the ski lift the first time we ever went snow skiing.  Ouch!  It did not stop me from going back.
9.  I have zip lined in the jungles of Costa Rica, been on top of the Eiffel Tower at midnight, and walked from Battery Park to Brooklyn.  I have also eaten coon at the Gillett Coon Supper.  I like to think that I am well-rounded.
10.  My grandchildren are perfect for me.  But…you already knew that, didn’t you.?

Now, it’s your turn:

Robin at Alabama Slacker Mama
Deb at Frugal Living and Having Fun
Lindsay at Lindsay Cooks
Heather at My Red Apron
Katie at Kitchen Stewardship
Sam at My Carolina Kitchen
Kat at Just a Beach Kat and Starting Over
and one more for good measure –
Sarah at Lilly Scott’s Life

Go visit these great blogs for a little inspiration:)

Linked to:
Menu Plan Monday
Tasty Tuesdays
Tempt My Tummy Tuesday
Tuesdays at the Table

And….sign up for Crock Pot Wednesday!