I have a serious case of spring fever! We’ve had an unusually warm winter which, for me, is a real plus. As a result, I’ve been wanting to be outside in the garden already. My seedlings are steadily coming up, and I’m itching to get them in the ground.

Fortunately, Hubby keeps me ground in reality.

Reminding me that our frost-free date is still weeks away and the soil temps are still far below where they need to be for successful plant growth.

But…spring is on the way. My daffodils have been in bloom since VERY early January. The azaleas already have blooms. The hydrangeas are bursting with growth, and the hostas are steadily poking their heads through the mulch.

I’m ready to move away from heavy stews and braises in favor of lighter fare. Lamb is abundant in the markets I frequent, and I’m making use of the availability and lower prices. These Irish Lamb Pasties which I developed recently for Riceland Foods, are a super way to have a fairly quick meal on the table with relative ease.  Pasties are a traditional Irish hand-held sandwich, typically made of pork. We actually prefer ground lamb. They can even be made ahead and kept in the freezer. Plus, you can use leftovers to make them.

Taste + ease of preparation + made ahead. Those are all huge plusses for me. Head on over to Riceland’s blog to get this tasty recipe.