Dear Hobby Lobby Logo,

Just wanted to let you know that you may have lost a good customer, not that you are concerned about that apparently.

When I brought back the cylindrical glass vase that I recently purchased because it shattered in my hand when I picked it up, your manager’s response?  Well, according to him, I simply should not have picked it up at the top.  His workers, who handle hundreds of these vases all of the time, are instructed NOT to pick them up at the top.   I still had my pleasant, coolness going on until then.  But, I must confess, I lost that as the arrogance continued.

Hmmm.  I guess I missed that sign on the shelf.  Or did my instruction sheet simply fall out of the bag?  Duh!  How could I be so stupid to think that I could expect it to NOT shatter in my hand?  

I didn’t ask for a refund.  Yes, I should have brought my ticket…and I will do that for sure now.  I said that store credit was fine, but you said I would need to just accept another vase like the one I had purchased.  I didn’t even care about a refund.  I cared about myself and my family.  And, I thought you might as well.  Woops!

My momma definitely didn’t raise no fool, Mr. Manager.  One VERY shattered vase around my grandchildren is ALL I intended to have.  Yes, that was a major artery in my wrist that came VERY close to a serious injury.  Yes, I really am still vacuuming up minute shards of glass after several days of attempting to do so.

Why yes, you are welcome.  I just knew you would be grateful that I called your attention to a potentially dangerous product that you have on your shelves.  And thanks so much for letting me know just how rude you allow your managers (or, at least this one) to be.

Thanks for not listening.  Shame on you.

P.S.  You really might think about letting summer happen without the Christmas decorations.

And thanks to you for letting me vent!