In my quest to prepare healthier meals – and I’ve always tried to be conscious of that – I’m incorporating more and more of the foods from the Ten Best Foods For Our Hearts list and trying to avoid those on the Ten Worst Foods List that I posted on Monday.

I even started feeling so guilty on Monday evening that I actually did bake my okra rather than fry it and decided to save the fried green tomatoes for another day.  Now…I will tell you that I do like my okra better when it’s fried, but it was tasty nonetheless. 


1.  Salmon– a good source of protein, lots of Omega 3 and relatively low in calories (tuna, mackerel, halibut are also good choices)
2.  Olive Oil – excellent alternative to butter, helps lower LDL, use in moderation.  Do not use olive oil for frying as it has a low smoke point.
3.  Beans – great source of fiber and protein without the fat
4.  Oatmeal – helps to lower LDL, good source of fiber.  Use coarse or steel cut oats, not instant.  Instant oatmeal does not provide the same benefits.  I often grind up oatmeal and add it in to replace part of the flour whenever I am baking.
5.  Spinach – fiber, foliate with minimum calories.  (kale, arugula, collards, turnip greens – other dark green leafy vegetables – are good choices)  I love a good fresh spinach salad with strawberries and blueberries, feta cheese and red onions.  Yum!
6.  Blueberries – good fiber source, lots of antioxidants, low in calories.  Use as a snack food, in salads, pancakes, and with cereal. 
7.  Walnuts – good source of Omega 3, a monounsaturated fat.  Eat small serving each day as a snack.  Be aware that not all nuts are the same:(  Toss some toasted walnuts on the top of that fresh spinach salad.
8.  Soy – great lean protein source (tofu, soy milk, edamame, roasted soybeans as a snack)
9.  Quinoa – a complete protein with a nice, nutty flavor.  Use as a hot cereal, side dish, or salad.
Give this Summer Corn Salad a try.  I use it as a side dish and often as a meal for lunch.  It’s really full of good stuff
Summer Corn Salad
3 cups whole kernel corn (2 cans) – I prefer frozen or fresh
1 can rinsed black beans (kidney, cannellini, garbanzo, edamame or pinto work well also)
3/4 cup chopped celery
3/4 cup chopped bell pepper (red or yellow add some extra nice color)
1/2 cup chopped red onion

Mix all of the vegetables together in a bowl and add the dressing after it is mixed.  Chill well before serving.  I sometimes add chopped cucumber and cherry tomatoes.  I’ve even been known to throw in a minced jalapeno for extra kick.

1 cup rice (or white) vinegar
1/3 cup olive oil
1/2 teaspoon cracked black pepper
1 teaspoon salt (or to taste)
2 Tablespoons sugar (I usually omit this.)
Thanks for joining me for What’s On the Menu Wednesday.  One of these days I’m gonna’ get around to designing a badge…well, maybe.

I look forward to what you have to say:)